The Center for Testing offers an array of tests that will get you to that next step. Click below for more information on each test offered through the Center for Testing.
Test-Taking Tips and Text Anxiety
Taking tests can often create anxiety in the test-taker. Below are some test-taking tips as well as information on how to mange test anxiety. There is a great article on test anxiety written by Cecelia Downs at Brown University. Or you can read about some great test-taking tips from Utah State University.
U.S. and Georgia Constitution Legislative Tests
Information, Test Registration, and Preparation:
Georgia law requires that each candidate for a degree from a University System of Georgia institution demonstrate knowledge of the constitution of the United States and Georgia by course work or examination. See how to satisfy the constitution legislative requirements.
Students will be allowed no more than three attempts at the Georgia constitution exam and three attempts at the U.S. constitution exam. After the third unsuccessful attempt on either test, students will be required to pass POLS 1101/1150 to satisfy the requirement for U.S. and/or Georgia constitution. Students are strongly encouraged to complete all legislative requirements by the end of their 90th semester hour!
Test Registration:
Please read the following information carefully for details about taking these tests.
Students who are currently enrolled in HIST 2111/2112 or POLS 1101/1150 are not allowed to sign up for the US/GA History OR the US/GA Constitution test during the semester they are taking the course.
Spring 2025 Test LOCATION
All tests are given in Russell Library- room #119.
For the Spring 2025 semester, registration will open January 13, 2025 at 9:00am. Please click on the "Register for Testing" button below for available dates and times. Cancellation Policy: If you are not able to attend your legislative appointment, you must notify the Testing Center via email at least 3 days before your appointment date. No-shows and late cancellations will count as an attempt with a grade 0.
1. All tests are given on GA View under the Georgia College Testing Center page.
2. Students who are currently taking POLS 1101/1150 will not be allowed to sign up for the U.S. or Georgia constitution test during the semester they are taking the course.
3. Students who receive Testing Accommodations may email gctesting@gcsu.edu if they wish to set up a special test time using their accommodations.
4. All legislative tests are 50-question, multiple-choice tests. A score of 60 or better is a passing score. You will see your score at the end of the test.
Cancellation Policy: If you are not able to attend your legislative appointment, you must notify the Testing Center via email at least 3 days before your appointment date. No-shows and late cancellations will count as an attempt with a grade 0.
Georgia Constitution:
The Department of Government and Sociology has placed American Government textbooks, which also include The Georgia Government Study Guide, on reserve in the library. The Georgia Government Study Guide is the best resource to use when studying for the Georgia constitution test. The Georgia Government Study Guide and American Government textbooks are available for purchase at the Barnes & Noble at Georgia College Bookstore, listed under POLS 1150. If you are unable to locate a copy, there is an older version (2007) available to read online at no cost.
U.S. Constitution:
The CliffsNotes website has review materials on American government. Relevant sections are The Constitution, Federalism, Congress, The President, The Judiciary, Civil Liberties and Civil Rights.
There is also an online U.S. government publication, Outline of U.S. Government. Relevant sections are:
- The Constitution: An Enduring Document
- Explaining the Constitution: The Federalist Papers
- The Executive Branch
- The Legislative Branch
- The Judicial Branch
- Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court
Legislative Tests - Special Administration Test
Students who wish to take one of the legislative tests (U.S. or Georgia history/ U.S. or Georgia constitution) at a time other than the scheduled test dates may request a special administration for a fee of $25. Contact our office first to set up the appointment, then pay online. Click "Proctored Test Fees" (there are two drop-down menus in which to indicate this), then follow the directions.
Note: Testing fees must be paid by 5 pm the day before your appointment to avoid cancellation. After your appointment has been made with our office you will click on the appropriate link to make your payment securely online. Testing fees are nonrefundable, however, if you contact our office within seven days of your original appointment we can reschedule it one time without additional fees.
U.S. and Georgia History Legislative Tests
Information, Test Registration, and Preparation
Georgia law requires that each candidate for a degree from a University System of Georgia institution demonstrate knowledge of the history of the United States and Georgia by course work or examination. See how to satisfy the history legislative requirements.
Students are allowed no more than three attempts at the Georgia history test and three attempts at the U.S. history test. After the third unsuccessful attempt on either test, students will be required to pass HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 to satisfy the requirement for U.S. and/or Georgia history.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete all legislative requirements by the end of their 90th semester hour!
Test Registration:
Please read the following information carefully for details about taking these tests.
Students who are currently enrolled in HIST 2111/2112 or POLS 1150 are not allowed to sign up for the US/GA History OR the US/GA Constitution test during the semester they are taking the course.
Spring 2025 Test LOCATION
All tests are given in Russell Library- room #119.
For the Spring 2025 semester, registration will open January 13, 2025 at 9:00am. Please click on the "Register for Testing" button below for available dates and times. Cancellation Policy: If you are not able to attend your legislative appointment, you must notify the Testing Center via email at least 3 days before your appointment date. No-shows and late cancellations will count as an attempt with a grade 0.
1. All tests are given on GA View under the Georgia College Testing Center page.
2. Students who are currently taking HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 will not be allowed to sign up for the U.S. or Georgia History tests during the semester they are taking the course.
3. Students who receive Testing Accommodations may email gctesting@gcsu.edu if they wish to set up a special test time using their accommodations.
4. All legislative tests are 50-question, multiple-choice tests. A score of 60 or better is a passing score. You will see your score at the end of the test.
Cancellation Policy: If you are not able to attend your legislative appointment, you must notify the Testing Center via email at least 3 days before your appointment date. No-shows and late cancellations will count as an attempt with a grade 0.
U.S. History:
The U.S. History Study Guide will assist you as you review for the test. It is not intended to be used without a book or other reference.
OpenStax, based at Rice University, has developed an open source free online US History textbook. You can access it here: OpenStax US History.
Also, any recent one- or two-volume U.S. history text or synopsis will provide the basic information you need for the U.S. history test. Several good choices appear in the list below and others may be found on the UGA website. (Some of these books are available in the bookstore.)
George Tindall and David Shi, America: A Narrative History, 6th ed.
Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty
James A. Henretta et al., America's History
Carol Berkin et al., Making America
Jack Mack Faragher et al., Out of Many: A History of the America People
Although the University of Georgia and Georgia College tests are different, you may find the U.S. history portion of UGA's US History Study Guide helpful in organizing and focusing your study.
Another review source is CliffsNotes U.S. History 1 and U.S. History II.
Georgia History:
The Georgia History Study Guide, created by the Georgia College History department, will assist you as you review for the test. It is not intended to be used without a book or other reference.
A good resource to prepare for the test is The New Georgia Encyclopedia, particularly the History and Archaeology section (under the "Topics" tab).
Suggested books:
James C. Cobb, Georgia Odyssey, 2nd ed.
Kenneth Coleman, Georgia History In Outline
Kenneth Coleman, A History of Georgia
(All three books are available in the library. The Coleman books are rather dated, so you should consult other references for recent history.)
Legislative Tests - Special Administration Test
Students who wish to take one of the legislative tests (U.S. or Georgia history/ U.S. or Georgia constitution) at a time other than the scheduled test dates may request a special administration for a fee of $25. Contact our office first to set up the appointment, then click here to pay. Click "Proctored Test Fees" (there are two drop-down menus in which to indicate this), then follow the directions.
Note: Testing fees must be paid by 5 pm the day before your appointment to avoid cancellation. After your appointment has been made with our office you will click on the appropriate link to make your payment securely online. Testing fees are nonrefundable, however, if you contact our office within seven days of your original appointment we can reschedule it one time without additional fees.
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is one of the requirements for admission to the GCSU basic licensure professional nursing program. The test measures the academic background of students in reading, math, science and English and language usage.
The TEAS test may be taken for admission into the Georgia College nursing program only two times in two years and the test dates cannot be less than 14 days apart. The online format of the ATI TEAS is offered at Georgia College. Students who have taken a TEAS test previously at another institution within the past two years should contact Assessment Technologies Institute to order an official TEAS transcript. Only official test results from ATI will be accepted. Test results must be received by the School of Nursing prior to the application deadline in order for the application to be considered for admission to the program.
Before testing, you will need to create an account and password at atitesting.com. When it asks for the Institution name, you will choose "Georgia College & State University".
For Fall 2024 and Spring 2025, the TEAS exams will be offered remotely. Please download the Quick-Start Guide and Student Instructions and read them carefully before your test date. These documents contain important testing information including the Assessment IDs.
The ATI TEAS exam is comprised of 170 total questions, with 209 minutes in allocated testing time. Question types include multiple choice, multiple select (select all that apply), fill in the blank, ordered response and hot spots.
- Reading - Specific Content Covered: Key ideas and details; craft and structure; and Integration of knowledge & ideas. (45 questions, 55 minutes)
- Math - Specific Content Covered: Numbers and algebra; Measurement and data. (38 items, 57 minutes)
- Science - Specific Content Covered: Human anatomy and physiology, Biology, Chemistry, and Scientific Reasoning. (50 items, 60 minutes)
- English and Language Usage - Specific Content Covered: Conventions of standard English, Knowledge of language, Using Language, and Vocabulary to Express Ideas in Writing. (37 items, 37 minutes)
Total test time is 3 hours and 29 minutes, not including the check-in process and exam instructions.
Study resources can be found and purchased below:
- TEAS Study Manual and an online practice assessment (may be purchased from ATI)
- TEAS Prep Series (may be purchased from GC Continuing and Professional Education). For questions about this course, please contact Continuing and Professional Education at 478-445-5277 or continuingeducation@gcsu.edu.
Registration Procedures
The TEAS testing dates for students attempting to enter the Fall/Spring cohort will be December 17, 2024 - January 31, 2025 (tentatively). Registration will open on November 4, 2024.
Tests taken in December and January 7-9 will start at 9:00 am and tests taken after January 9 will start at 1:00 pm. All test are given remotely and the exam fee is $92.00.
IMPORTANT: If you receive testing accommodations, please email gctesting@gcsu.edu or call the Testing Center to let us know this BEFORE you register.
To register and pay for the exam, please check on the "Register for Testing" button below.
Test Day Procedures
All tests will be administered remotely using the virtual proctor Proctorio. Make sure you have access to a computer (no phones or tablets) with reliable internet access, a microphone, and a camera. Allow about 15-30 minutes for setup and about 3-1/2 hours for the test.
You will need your ATI username and password (you do not need the ATI paper pencil ID number) and valid, unexpired government-issued photo identification. Examples of appropriate identification include driver's license, government ID card, passport, military ID or alien residency (green) card (not student ID). You are not permitted to use a physical calculator while testing from home, but a calculator is embedded in the exam. You are not allowed to have books, papers, notes, pagers, cell phones, smart watches, or any other electronic devices, reference materials, food or beverages..
You may print an individual score report at the end of your test or you may log in to the ATI site later to view or print your report. The GCSU Nursing program will have access to your score online. You may request additional copies of your score report to send to other schools through ATI.
Reschedule/Refund Policy: You may reschedule a test session without additional charge one time if you contact the testing office at 478-445-5016 at least one week before your original session. If you find that you will be unable to attend or if you miss your test session, you may request a partial refund of $46.00. We must receive your request in writing (letter or email) within 30 days. Please let us know as soon as you can if you do not plan to attend your test session so we can release your seat to another examinee.
Important Links
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
The College-Level Examination Program is a national program of credit that allows students to obtain recognition for college-level achievement. The Center for Testing is an open CLEP test center and can administer all CLEP examinations to anyone who properly registers. However, each institution determines which exams are accepted and what minimum scores are required for credit. View information on GCSU's CLEP policy. If you desire credit at another institution, check that institution's policies before testing.
GCSU awards credit through CLEP for the courses listed below. The acceptable scores for credit and semester hours awarded are as indicated. A "K" grade will be awarded for CLEP credit. This grade will not affect your grade point average but will count toward total hours and will fulfill degree requirements. The score recipient code for GCSU is 5252. If you do not achieve the required score, you may not retake that particular test again until 3 months have passed.
Registration Procedures
You will register for a CLEP test through the College Board My Account registration portal. The current cost of a CLEP test is $95.
The My Account portal will also allow you to manage your personal information, search for test centers, select your score recipient institution and purchase study materials.
After you register with College Board and receive your registration ticket, you will need to schedule a testing appointment with the Center for Testing by contacting us at 478-445-5016. Please note: CLEP exams are currently administered by appointments only. Once your appointment has been finalized with the Center for Testing, you will pay the nonrefundable test center fee of $25 through our online registration service. Payment options are Visa or MasterCard.
Test Day Procedures
All tests will be administered in the Center for Testing computer lab in 112 Russell Library. Allow about two hours for the test.
You must bring one government-issued photo ID with signature and your registration ticket. The ID must be valid and current (not expired) and be an original document (not photocopied). A driver's license, state or federal-issued ID, passport, or military ID are some of the acceptable forms of ID. All DANTES-funded military candidates must provide a current military ID.
School, work, or employee ID's are NOT acceptable.
Note: The first and last names on the ID must match that on the Registration Ticket.
If you have any questions about what is or is not an acceptable form of identification, contact CLEP Services at 800-257-9558 or 212-237-1331 or visit the CLEP website.
You may not take calculators, books, papers, notes, mechanical pencils or any type of pen, cell phones, cameras, recording devices, pagers, digital watches, alarm watches or any reference materials, food or beverages into the testing room. You may not wear or take a hat with a bill or a brim into the testing room. We recommend that you not bring these items to your test session because storage space is very limited.
Reschedule/Refund Policy: You may reschedule a test session without additional charge one time if you contact the testing office at 478-445-5016 at least one week before your original session. Otherwise, you must pay the $25 fee to schedule another test date.
For more information concerning GCSU's approved CLEP tests and passing scores or test dates and registration, contact the Center for Testing, 109 Russell Library, or call 478-445-5016. Additional information about CLEP tests, including study resources, can be found at the CLEP website.
Senior Exit Requirement
All undergraduate degree candidates must complete a Senior Exit requirement in their major field of study during one of their last two semesters prior to the completion of degree requirements. This requirement is determined by the major department and may be an examination, a portfolio, completion of a course or other method of assessment. Students who are required to take a test should check with the Center for Testing, Room 109 Russell Library, to determine the type of test, application procedures and deadlines required for their majors. These students are encouraged to register for the exam the semester before they plan to test. Timely inquiry, correct application and registration are the responsibility of the student.
SPRING 2025 Senior Exit Exam Information
Please read the following information carefully before scheduling this exam. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see if your major is listed. Feel free to call or email our office if you have any questions.
Registration will open January 13, 2025 at 9:00am. The deadline to register for a senior exit exam is February 14, 2025. After that date, there is a late fee of $25.00 and the registration portal will be closed. If you miss the registration deadline, please contact us at 478-445-5016 or gctesting@gcsu.edu, and we will assist you with scheduling an appointment.
The Senior Exit requirement is an important part of the student's participation in assessing institutional effectiveness and fostering program improvement. Results of exit requirement will be part of the student's official Georgia College record. See study information by major along with topics covered and some sample test questions.
If you are scheduled to graduate Spring 2025, and you have one of the following majors, you will take a test in the Testing Center called the Major Field Test. It is a 2-hour online test. Please bring a photo ID (bobcats card or driver's license) on the day of your test. Read the information below very carefully, before registering for your appointment online.
The following majors will take their senior exit exam in the Testing Center on March 3-7 & March 10-14, 2025.
*Psychology and Computer Science majors should register for this test ONLY if you are in your last semester. The other majors listed above may test in one of your last two semesters.
Computer Science majors and students enrolled in MGMT 4195 (Strategic Management) will take their exit exam April 7- April 11, 2025. You will need to register online by clicking the "Register Online" button below. The registration deadline is February 14, 2025.
GEOGRAPHY and MUSIC THERAPY students will take their tests in the Testing Center on Friday, April 4, 2025 at 2pm. To register, you will need to contact our office before the deadline.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE students will take their exam on Friday, April 4, 2025 at 2pm. To register, you will need to contact our office before the deadline.
The deadline to register for a senior exit exam is February 14, 2025. After that date, there is a late fee of $25.00 and the registration portal will be closed. If you miss the registration deadline, please contact us at 478-445-5016 or gctesting@gcsu.edu, and we will assist you with scheduling an appointment.
Please make sure you select the correct date for your major. Failing to do so will not secure your appointment and you will have to reschedule.
The Miller Analogies Test® (MAT) was retired on November 15, 2023. No MAT testing dates, MAT Practice Tests, and Study Guides will be offered after November 15, 2023. All test-takers may continue to request Official Transcripts and Personal Score Reports through the Pearson website until November 2024.
Score Availability
IMPORTANT: Scores are only available for two years from the test date. If it has been over five years since the test date, scores are no longer available to order. Official Transcripts and Personal Score Reports will be available upon request for the next 2 years, or until November 2025 by going to https://www.pearsonassessments.com/graduate-admissions/mat/about.html
Important Links
Teacher Certification Tests
The Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) is Georgia's state-approved educator certification assessment program. These computer-delivered assessments have been developed by the GaPSC and Educational Testing Service (ETS). ETS became the supplier of these assessments in October 2013. At this time, the Center for Testing does not administer the GACE tests.
Information about licensure in Georgia can be found on the Georgia Professional Standards Commission website.
Registration and testing information for GACE tests are available on the ETS GACE website.
For questions about certification, contact David Ladd, certification officer at 478-445-2514 or email: david.ladd@gcsu.edu.
Important Links
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is used as a graduate school admissions test by a number of programs at GCSU. The GRE General Test is available only through computer-based testing centers. GCSU does not administer this test. The GRE Information and Registration Bulletin is now only available online.
Listed below are links to some of the most commonly accessed areas of the website:
- The GRE website
- The GRE Information and Registration Bulletin and other forms
- My GRE - Register online, view scores, order additional score reports and more
- Information for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-Related Needs
- Free and Low-Cost, Official Test Preparation Materials: GRE revised General Test and GRE Subject Tests
Accuplacer Placement Test
Note: Testing fees must be paid by 5 pm the day before your appointment to avoid cancelation. After your appointment has been made with our office you will click on the appropriate link to make your payment online. Testing fees are nonrefundable, however, if you contact our office within seven days of your original appointment we can reschedule it one time without additional fees.
ACCUPLACER Placement Test
For Nontraditional Students Applying to Georgia College
The Center for Testing administers the ACCUPLACER placement test to persons applying to Georgia College as non-traditional freshmen. Because GCSU no longer offers a Learning Support program, these applicants must take the reading, writing skills and algebra sections of the test and score above the University System requirement for placement in Learning Support courses in reading, English, and math to be eligible to be admitted. The tests include Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics; Reading; and the Write Placer exam. For more information about the test or to schedule a test appointment, call the Center for Testing at 478-445-5016. There is no charge for the initial test for students applying to Georgia College, but there is a $25 fee for those who wish to retest in one or more areas. If you are testing for a second time, you can pay the proctor fee online, Click "Proctored Test Fees" (there are two drop-down menus in which to indicate this), then follow the directions.
For Students Testing for Another School
The ACCUPLACER test can also be administered here to local persons who are applying to another school, if that school registers you for a remote test administration at Georgia College. After you receive the remote registration confirmation, contact us to schedule a test appointment. There is a $25 charge for administering the test for another school. Once you have scheduled the appointment with us, you can pay your proctor fee online. Click "Proctored Test Fees" (there are two drop-down menus in which to indicate this), then follow the directions.
Study information for the Accuplacer test can be found at the Accuplacer website. There is also a free Accuplacer study app. The app includes sample questions and explanations for both correct and incorrect answers. Explore practice questions and get feedback on the skills you need to focus on the most.
Proctored Tests
Note: Testing fees must be paid by 5 pm the day before your appointment to avoid cancelation. After your appointment has been made with our office you will click on the appropriate link to make your payment online. Testing fees are nonrefundable, however, if you contact our office within seven days of your original appointment we can reschedule it one time without additional fees.
Proctored Tests
If space is available, the Center for Testing will proctor exams for persons taking online or distance learning courses for other schools. There is a $25 proctor fee for exams up to three hours in length. Interested persons should call the testing office, 478-445-5016, to schedule an appointment. We recommend contacting us well ahead of the requested date. We will need to know how much time is allowed for the test and whether it is an online or paper/pencil test when we make the appointment. Please check your course materials for testing periods and deadlines and the procedure for notifying your school that you have scheduled an appointment. Once you have scheduled your appointment, you can pay your proctor fee by clicking "Proctored Test Fees" (there are two drop-down menus in which to indicate this) and following the instructions.